Monthly Archives: May 2013

I dreamed I met this person

I was at a fundraising event last weekend and met this girl at the food table. Really, I was just going in for a snack, but got stuck sizing up this attractive girl I didn’t know. I actually never got her name, and had to do some stuff. Figuring I’d find her a little later (which never happened), I totally left. But… Before I left, a camera was shoved in our faces and we made the best of it, providing proof she does, in fact, exist. Which is good, because I didn’t get any food either. Whiffed on both counts. This is what my memory looks like:

Dreamed I Met Her

Did you read my Die Hard 5 review?

Forget what I said. That movie sucked.

I don’t speak Russian, and I just watched it again with no subtitles. That means I couldn’t really understand the specifics of half the movie, since its in Russian. But the gist was clear, and the point  is the same. Bad movie.

I also rewatched Schwarzenegger’s Last Stand last week. Better than the 1st watch. And the bad guy looks just like Pau Gasol. So that’s good.

The point? This action renaissance I have been so excited about is hit and miss. I’m still glad its happening, and I still want to see In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Die Hard (please make that movie!!), but i’m not going to hold my breath.